Soldiering On The Remarkable Resilience Of India’s Disabled Soldiers

Soldiering On The Remarkable Resilience Of India’s Disabled Soldiers


Ambreen Zaidi





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Average Reading Time

400 mins

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Book Description

This book holds profound significance for several compelling reasons. Firstly, it sheds light on a critical issue often overlooked: the lack of awareness among our fellow citizens regarding the sacrifices and challenges faced by soldiers who have been injured and left disabled in the line of duty. Secondly, it sheds light on the the absence of a comprehensive policy framework to support these disabled soldiers, forcing them into legal battles to secure the disability benefits which they rightfully deserve. As I embarked on my research journey, traveling from one town to another and meeting these courageous soldiers, I came to realize the unknown and unsung legends living amongst us, their stories largely untold. Despite their physical limitations and the enduring psychological trauma, they stand as beacons of inspiration. Their patriotism remains unshaken and they exhibit remarkable determination, capable of rivalling any able-bodied individual in safeguarding our nation's honour and security. Through this book, my intention is to draw attention to the apathy these men of honour endure and to implore the authorities to address their needs. Many of the soldiers featured in this book have shattered societal barriers, triumphing over their disabilities, which they proudly assert exist only in the mind. ""Disability is in the mind"" is a mantra echoed by each of them. This book is my tribute to these resilient soldiers, the true sons of Bharat Mata and their remarkable devotion to the nation.

story about disable soldier
Indian Soldier and disability

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