151+ Essays for IAS PCS and other Competitive Exams

151+ Essays for IAS PCS and other Competitive Exams


Dr. B. Ramaswamy





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Book Description

151+ Essays for IAS/PCS & other Competitive Exams is a comprehensive collection of essays for the UPSC Mains exam as well as State pass and other competitive exams. This book is designed for the candidates, who is preparing for the Civil Services and other competitive examinations. Highlights of The Book This book consists 151+ Essays which helpful in Mains Examination for essay section. Essays are written on related issues such as Social Development, Economic, Political, Science and Technology, Ethical and Moral Issues, Bihar Related Issues, Philosophy and Religious Environmental, Women Empowerment, Contemporary and other Issues etc. The essays have been written in impressive style incorporating detailed information on the particular topic, ideas for contextual writing, rich vocabulary and analytical skills to arrive at a conclusion. These essays don’t have diversity but depth and book also helpful for those candidates who want quick revision.

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