I am Madhobhai : A Pakistani Hindu

I am Madhobhai : A Pakistani Hindu





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304 mins

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Book Description

This book ‘I am Madhobhai : A Pakistani Hindu’ is not a story or anyone’s idea. This is a true incident narrated by a representative of thousands of Hindu brothers and sisters who have endured crime and atrocities of Pakistanis for years. Hearing and feeling the inner pain and compassion of Hindu brothers and sisters who have come from Pakistan and settled down in Delhi’s Majlis Park, Sanjay Sherpuriya is making sincere efforts to solve their problems of life. This book brings to light the atrocities which the Pakistani Muslims have committed on our Hindu brethren. They have ruined their lives, looted their properties, raped their daughters and vandalised our Hindu Gods & Goddesses. A must read book for every enlightened Hindu.

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