The People'S Leader
Prabhat Prakashan
Country of Origin:
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Average Reading Time
544 mins
Book Description
Despite having progressed from a village boy into an urban citizen and having toured the metropolises of India, the grandeur vision of Washington’s material prosperity, in all its majesty, which manifested itself before him, overawed him, because USA, the most advanced nation on the earth, holds all the earthly temptations to sway anyone coming from the Oriental for the first time. It had the same magnetic impact on Swami Vivekananda, a venerable saint, who landed in America in 1893 when by virtue of his matchless erudition, he mesmerized the intelligentsia of USA and the world. Still he was beholden to the grandeur of USA when he reached there and beheld its magnificence. Hence, for Saryu to be bedazzled by the awesome sight of Washington was nothing new.