The Rise of the Devas
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
592 mins
Book Description
Thousands of years ago, various streams of Suras travelled to the west from their land of origin in the foothills of the Himalayas, expanding their footprint from present day india to west Asia. New civilisations flourished, and new land routes were established. As rulers of the world, the Suras assumed the title of the Devas, or the gods. With time, the Suras broke up into two groups. Those not agreeing with the strict life principles of the Suras separated, and assumed the label, the Asuras. They were mostly at loggerheads with the Suras, but came together to discover the sea routes in an expedition known as Samudra-Manthan. The journey revealed an amazing world of mysteries. But quarrels broke out for the possession of a wonder plant called Soma. THE RISE OF THE DEVAS is a concept novel that treats ancient legends from a different perspective.