Secrets Of Breath
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
496 mins
Book Description
Breath is not merely a sign of life; it is complementary to and propeller of life. Our breath is behind all reactions happening inside our body. The same is also behind our emotion of anger, hate, frustration or jealously. Both peace of mind and lack of it are linked to the breath. In fact, all that happens in our lives and the outcomes of our actions or interactions are not only related to the breath but also because of it. This book illuminates the hidden ancient secret knowledge as told by lord Shiva and reveals how anything and everything that we do, is impacted by the subtle changes happening inside our body while we breathe. These changes can easily be felt by us in real life if we have this knowledge. The practices like meditation and yoga are incomplete without this knowledge. This book reveals how to lead a happy and successful life in the material world and also how to explore the path to the pinnacle of spiritual knowledge.