Clinical Approach To Headache
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
280 mins
Book Description
Almost every doctor, whether a physician, neurologist, psychiatrist or general practitioner, daily treats several patients with headache. However, headache as a symptom has not been studied much. Little attention has been paid to this subject in under graduate-teaching. As a result, very few doctors can understand the actual mechanism and patterns of headaches and how to treat them. This book is a handy and practical guide for medical students and practitioners. It aims to be informative and helpful to the patients and their caregivers. The book is composed in an easy-to-understand manner. It is unique in the sense as it is based on dinical grounds, Practical tips like a list of alarming signs has been given so that one can know when to be alarmed and undergo expensive investigations like CT or MRI to rule out significant medical conditions. Hopefully, this book will be helpful to the readers by giving them a better understanding of what is known and what is not known about headaches. It will also help the doctors and medical practitioners to explore the diagnosis and treatment of the patients in a much superior way with this knowledge in hand