How To Be Successful In Civil Services
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
448 mins
Book Description
Civil Services are the most prestigious and accountable services in the country. Educated youths have a special attraction towards them. Every youth wants to achieve this position.Out of a population of 140 crores, about 750 civil servants are selected every year, for which lakhs of candidates apply. The attraction and importance of these services can be easily understood from these statistics. Candidates for these services are tested on a three-tier test. The candidate who fulfils these criteria with intense fire in their belly is selected and takes a vow to serve the country with his unique aura. The present book is a guide to preparation for Civil Services. The book tells you how to prepare for these exams, what are the special points that should be kept in mind while studying. Overall, this book eases most of the difficulties of the examinees. The author of the book himself is an IAS and has been a topper in the Civil Services Examination. This book is the essence of his wide and deep experience, which is in front of the readers. A very useful book for competitive exam aspirants and students who have a strong will to succeed in their career.