Success Lessons From Steve Jobs

Success Lessons From Steve Jobs


Pradeep Thakur





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Average Reading Time

328 mins

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Book Description

This is an inspiring book that reveals the secrets of the legendary entrepreneur who co-founded Apple Inc. and revolutionised the technology industry. The book offers valuable lessons on entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal development. Drawing on Jobs’ own experiences and interviews with people who knew him well, the book explores the principles and practices that made him one of the most successful and influential business leaders of all time. From following your passion to embracing failure, the book provides practical advice on how to achieve greatness in both business and life. The book also delves into Jobs’ unique leadership style, which was characterised by his attention to detail, his focus on design and user experience, and his ability to inspire and motivate others. It offers valuable insights on how to build a successful team, create a culture of innovation, and foster a sense of purpose and meaning in your work. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a manager, or simply someone who wants to achieve more in life, “Success Lessons from Steve Jobs” is must-read book that will inspire and empower you to reach your full potential.

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