Motivating Thoughts Of Swami Vivekananda

Motivating Thoughts Of Swami Vivekananda


Swami Vivekanand





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424 mins

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Book Description

Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk, a chief disciple of the 19th-century Indian mystic Ramakrishna. He was a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world and is credited with raising interfaith awareness. Swamiji has been an awe-inspiring persona for many people and this book continues the legacy of his ideas and philosophies. This book is a one-of-a-kind condensed version of Swamiji’s life and principles, For every reader; this compilation would mean an enriching and learning experience. May his quotes inspire you to believe in yourself so that you may live your dreams

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