Horoscope 2023

Horoscope 2023


Dr. A. Shanker





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200 mins

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Book Description

The effects of twelve Signs (Rāśis) and Planets have been described in various classical books of Astrology. In this small booklet, we have provided the general pattern of Zodiac Signs for the year 2023. This pattern is based on the transition of planets, their daśā and effects on that Rāśi at a particular point of time. Zodiac signs concur special effects. Its portable nature will help the natives born under these sun signs to understand the zodiac characteristics and the impact of these planetary movement on these sun-signs. A general awareness about the characteristics of the different Zodiac signs can give one an advantage on their relations with people around the self (Native). Astrological traits of every zodiac sign are different from each sign, understanding the way their personalities are, can make it easier to understand why people do the things they do and helps in a better understanding of relationships.

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