How to Turn an Investment of ` 10,000 in Stock Market into ` 100 Crores

How to Turn an Investment of ` 10,000 in Stock Market into ` 100 Crores





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416 mins

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Book Description

In this book I have developed a simple technique and formula for investment in stock markets. My students also appreciate that understanding the functioning of stock market is quite easy. I have devised some theories—basic theories that work quite effectively in the stock market. They work smoothly in India and, after conducting many workshops on them, I wish to present those theories to my reader. My efforts are constrained by time. However, a book does not have any such limitation. It may be easily accessible to anybody. For me, it's a big challenge to conduct multiple seminars across India. This requires plenty of time and a lots of effort. I am not capable of training more than a lac of people in my entire lifetime. There is great demand for education and hence, I have penned this book.

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