Rebel Monk
Prabhat Prakashan
Country of Origin:
Age Range:
Average Reading Time
512 mins
Book Description
* From Srinagar to Kamrup-Kamakhya and from Calcutta to Kochi, the name of Adi Shankar was like a torchbearer to illuminate my path. While searching the footprints of that great traveller, it was not known when the circumambulation across India was completed effortlessly. * Every reform becomes a stereotype over a period. It is the habit of history to witness every revolution becoming hypocritical and free warriors becoming dictators. While being a monk, he had the courage to say that | am neither an idol nor a worshipper, nor am | a priest, nor religion, nor caste. * Adi Shankaracharya has the answers to all the questions of today’s youth, their curiosities and frustrations as well. Who else would be the outstanding management guru than him who changed the consciousness and the ways of life of the entire nation. The monks who were beyond all the disciplines of the world, he organised them into arenas and ashrams. He made them disciplined and organised. The conflict between Buddhism and Hindus was pacified. Shaivas, Vaishnavas, Shakyas, Ganapathis all were put together in one thread. * I hope that this story of that amazing, brilliant child, the miraculous teenager and the charming young Shankar may light up your path and the story might unfold the mystic episodes of his life, which is the prime humble motive behind writing this book.