A Soldier's Dilemma
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
544 mins
Book Description
Very few English novels are available about the North East, written especially by those who are from other regions of India. Why? Is it that this part of the country does not attract the thoughts and minds of the readers? It is indeed a sad commentary that so far not many of us have attempted to gain insight into the lives and living of our brethren who are our own countrymen. My humble effort in 'A Soldier's Dilemma' has been to narrate a story in which a lady soldier, the main protagonist is in search of her father, a scientist. Right from her childhood the girl has been empowered by her parents to meet and face challenges with aplomb and fortitude. Will she succeed now? It is a racy, suspenseful novel filled with action and intrigue. All the events take place in Nagaland with the brave men and women of this beautiful and refreshingly touching region actively participating in them. Having had the opportunity to serve in almost all remote regions in the country, my two year stint in Nagaland convinced me that they do require far more of our attention with affection.