I Know You Now
Prabhat Prakashan
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Average Reading Time
336 mins
Book Description
Nitin’s mother means the world to him and when she breathes her last in his arms, it changes him upside down. A soft and humble guy declares rebellion against his father. On the way to fulfill his father’s desire of him becoming an engineer, he takes a bold decision and runs away to a completely new city for pursuing his ambition of becoming a famous singer. Against all the odds, he is not just able to fight the blues, but also forges new bonds of friendship in a completely new place. Once again destiny catches up with his happiness and he finds himself on the crossroad of life. His most loved friends end up in grave trouble and Nitin is confronted with the most difficult choice of his life! Will Nitin be able to survive the outcome of his choice and come out of it as a champion or will he take the plunge towards deluge of depression? Nitin’s journey is the one, which almost every individual has to undergo in one form or the other. This story gives the insight into the actual challenges that confront all of us and it also shares the wisdom to understand that most solutions are not just within our reach, but are within ourselves. The process is just about digging deep within.