Until We Meet Again

Until We Meet Again


Ajitabha Bose





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Average Reading Time

184 mins

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Book Description

How far will you go to meet your love again? More often than not, we rekindle our hopes in the desire to hold onto things which are to be let go. More often than not, that thing is love. That's what brought together shivangi and Karan. Two people who were Poles apart from each other But shared one common thread of love. While Karan was a simple guy from next door, shivangi was a girl with big dreams. Though she had an orthodox family, their love dared to be United. Their passion had another life to run to, and so did they, until fate played its twisted game and a mishap knocked them on the door. Bestselling author ajitabha Bose brings you another heartwarming tale of love, trust and a forever you might have never read.

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