Think Act & Achieve

Think Act & Achieve


Bhawna Bharwani





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Average Reading Time

180 mins

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Book Description

No matter how big your dreams are, Think Act & Achieve will help you make them a reality. The author reveals practical strategies discovered in her own life that will teach you how to follow the process of achieving any goal. The book provides clear steps to remove distractions, replace bad habits with the ones that matter, get focused on your goals and advance as fast as possible towards a life you love. You CAN create a happier, healthier, and wealthier life, and this is the guide on how to do it. If you have trouble creating the life you love, the problem is not you. Most people have negative thought patterns and habits that keep them stuck, feeling like they can't move forward no matter how hard they try. Knowing how to use the power of your mind to remove distractions and get laser-sharp focus on your goal is imperative for success. The thoughts must in turn be connected with decisive action as well. Using the same concepts, the author has created a life she loves, and now she wishes to help other people live happy and abundant lives. Think Act & Achieve sums up how you can use the infinite energy of your mind, how to channelize the power of positive thinking to help you achieve more, and how you can create a balance between the inner world of thoughts and the outer world of action. Stop drifting through life. Take charge of your destiny and build a life worth living with Think Act & Achieve

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