It's All About SRK

It's All About SRK


Tania Ioannou





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Average Reading Time

120 mins

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Book Description

How Shah Rukh Khan’s ted talk gave me a Spark of life after the loss of My 23 year- old daughter. This is the voice of an amateur, which may lack linguistic value but reveals the voice of the heart. Hello, My name is Tania ioannou, L grew up in Australia as a child of Greek immigrants.When L was a teenager, we returned to Greece.I am married and have 4 Children. When My eldest daughter was 23 years old, she was killed in a car accident.Needless to say, L was devastated! I knew nothing of Shah Rukh Khan nor of Hollywood.It is far from My culture and country.I saw his ted talk on the Internet and was curious to find information about his life and achievements.This introduced me to an awakening from the lethargy of pain and emptiness that L was enduring.L found a Spark of life, all over again, to the joy of My other 3 Children who are surprised to see me engaged in other activities other than My work.I teach English as a Second language to Non native speakers.I used to write poetry in Greek of which some poems were published in local magazines.L am not ashamed to say that at the age of 56, yes 56, and with 3 Children, L was intrigued to write poetry for the first time in my life in English about this extraordinary individual named Shah Rukh Khan.Therefore it is an amateur’s attempt to introduce the sensitive, inspiring world of srk and if L have managed to capture the soul, heart and thoughts of his admirers and of the superstar himself, even at the least, then L will have conquered an impossible dream! L have written 26 poems which I have printed as a book, dedicated to his 26 years of showbiz. It is a tribute to the life, work and performance of this super talented megastar! This was all feasible due to ted Talks and L was also inspired to become a volunteer ted translator in Greek as a tribute to the involvement with ted India for, which L have also written a poem. Thank you Shah Rukh Khan for the opportunity to set out on this wonderful, sentimental journey….

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