Song of A Flying Sparrow

Song of A Flying Sparrow


Rajeev Pundir





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Average Reading Time

124 mins

Buy For ₹180

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Book Description

Chiya was born and brought up in a wealthy business-class family. When her mom Rini, a highly ambitious woman, tries to fix her marriage with a millionaire divorcee, relatively senior to her age, she refuses categorically. As a result, an ugly argument ensues between them. Chiya’s life turns upside down when Rini reveals an unpleasant secret about her life during the heat of the conflict. Then she embarks on a mission—the sole aim of her life. What was that secret and the mission thereupon? To find, explore the novel—Song of A Flying Sparrow—a tale of emotions, love, betrayal, ambitions, greed, cynicism and twisted relations.

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