


Amal Gupta





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Average Reading Time

280 mins

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Book Description

Contemplative, down-to-earth, and abiding, Manoj moves away from his village when he is still a child. But then comes the trouble and the dilemma. He falters, rises, admires, smiles, fails, and witnesses events that scar him for a lifetime. He is tossed between different people and different ideologies. His conscience fails him as he moves between cities, struggles to earn his daily bread, and makes choices that push him to the extreme and define him forever. This highly relevant coming-of-age novel represents the emotional state of so many young people in their teens and twenties. It has a lucid narrative yet contains embedded bits of a complex, layered commentary on human psychology. Distraught brings forth a story from the times when many Indians had started moving out of their homes to study in different cities and how they struggled to keep their identity intact. Many made it through it, succumbing to the ever-growing emotional and social burden and a consequential conflict with their values. Read this wonderfully promising debut novel and delve deeper into the narrator's mind. Flip its pages, accompany Manoj on his journey and ask yourself: what would you do, were you in his place?

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