Join Happy Couples Club

Join Happy Couples Club


Dr.Abrar Multani





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224 mins

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Book Description

A disease called ‘Paris Syndrome’ is common among Japanese tourists. Symptoms of this disease appear as depression and nausea in the patient. The cause of this disease is their disappointment that they didn’t find Paris as beautiful and romantic as they expected it to be. The thoughts of disappointment cause emotional turbulence in them; in other words their brain refuses to accept that Paris is not as beautiful and romantic, or their high expectations from Paris remain unmet and unfulfilled. This sense of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations make the tourists patients of ‘The Paris Syndrome’. They can avoid this disease if only they learn to accept the reality of Paris. Romantic relationships and marriage thereafter leave couples disillusioned big time and the reality of marriage hits them hard. They get shocked by the experience of a life that is not all rosy and romantic after marriage as they had expected it to be. The concepts of ‘Prince Charming’ and ‘Dream Girl’ start appearing like a fairy tale to them. Across the world, nearly 50% of marriages end in divorce, and after that people either remain single all their lives fearing new beginnings or start their search for a new partner repeating the same cycle of relationship, marriage, conflict and divorce. Success rate of marriages on the basis of love is really low. People often stay in marriages for their own compelling reasons such as kids, social background, fear of new risks etc. But love can be kept alive even after marriage, only with the simple acceptance of the fact that “Men and Women are different from each other”. Physically, psychologically, mentally, biologically, men and women are different on all levels. Neither men are superior to women, nor are women better than men. This book intends to elaborate on this simple fact and strengthen your love relationship by bringing peace and harmony to it. Get ready to reignite the romance in your life and relationship.

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