Dogri Short Stories Today

Dogri Short Stories Today


Lalit Mangotra





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Average Reading Time

548 mins

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Book Description

Dogri Short Stories Today: Like any other short fiction in the Indic languages today, the Dogru short story too attempts to scan the absurdities of life. There is horror of a midnight knock in the terror-infested Kashmir (Midnight's knok at the door by Manoj), the tragi-comedy of an elderly man who fails to recall at the bus station where he wants to go (Memory by Chhatapal) and the compulsion of a mother to let her mentally challenged sone die untreated because the poor fellow is unable to cope with life'sharsh realities (A Mother's Compassion by Shakuntala Birpuri) More other stories bring to the reader the bitter sweet tangy flavour of the Dogra life.

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