Baduku - Award Winning Novel - Kannada

Baduku - Award Winning Novel - Kannada





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Average Reading Time

1300 mins

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Book Description

Dr. Geetha Nagabhushana's work is mostly based on the travails of the distressed, exploited and naïve people of slums or the lowest strata of the Hindu caste Order. In fact, her unique naraation brings in a slice of real life that touches our core rather than mere depiction of fictious characters. The dialect of Kannada we read in Baduku needs special mention for its authencity and the cultural richness. Throughout the novel the ordeal of the community that falls in the lowest strata of the Varna system is presented unapologetically. Also, the tribulation of women who appear in Baduku is a slap on the patriarchal society. The novel is complete slice of the society covering all the aspects of atrocity and oppression; Class, Caste, Gendar downtrodden of Urban and Rural. There is no fair deal in any of the cross section.

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