Vinayak - Award Winning Novel

Vinayak - Award Winning Novel





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592 mins

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Book Description

Vinayak, a Sahitya Akademi-award winning Hindi Novel, as a sequel to the author;s first novel 'Gobar Ganesh', according to the novelist, is the "pratismriti" (remembrance of our national-cultural memories) and the katha or narrative of India as a civilizational state. Its multi-perspectiveal, multi-centric kathana (plot), involving characters representing a cross section of Indian Society, is marked by engaging and interesting debates on such issues as gender-politics, culturalimperialism, casteism, communalism, the Kashmir-question and the condition of Kashmiri Pundits, sustainable development, ecological consciouness, swaraj or decolonization of mind, role of "Breaking India" forces comouflaged as NGO-activism, and the all0embracing nature of the spiritual that subsumes the secular, the significance of purusharthas or cardinal principles of life, etc. A sahridaya or cultivaed reader whould also relish how deftly the narrative echoes the voices of such great masters as Valmiki, Vyas, Krishna, Keats, Rike, Yeats, Eliot, Naipaul, Proust, Prasad and others.

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