Dhikku - Award Winning Novel

Dhikku - Award Winning Novel





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Average Reading Time

512 mins

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Book Description

The novel Dika, which means "direction" in Konkani, tells the story of a farming family from the lower middle class. It is set in the North Kanara district of Karnataka and offers a vivid portrayal of the socio-cultural life of the region's inhabitants. The plot follows Deepak and his family as they struggle to adapt to a new way of life in their village after the sudden death of Deepak's father, a policeman. Along the way, they encounter various challenges, including problematic villagers, conniving relatives, and blind faith. When Deepak's sister falls in love with a Muslim boy, he must confront societal norms and convince his mother to accept their relationship. Ultimately, Deepak leads his family to a new and free existence, breaking free from the constraints imposed on them by society. This is best exemplified in the novel's closing scene, where Deepak witnesses a lone crow moving eastward, away from its flock, in a new direction.

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