The Inscrutable Mystery

The Inscrutable Mystery





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Average Reading Time

464 mins

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Book Description

The Inscrutable Mystery (Chidambara Rahasya), which won the Sahitya Akademi award in 1985, is a rare novel with dimensions that had been unheard of in Kannada Literature. The novel chronicles the tale of Kesaruru from the perspective of a free, sensitive, and poetic mind that responds to the condition of the land. With the suspense of a detective novel only as an excuse, the novel pictures the variegated life in Kesaruru with rationalism and the revolutionary yellings of some youth on one side and people who are steeped in superstition, people like Angaadi who are after strange research findings on the other, and the inferno that threatens to engulf Kesaruru as a result of their friction. The innocent love between Jayanti and Rafi, who strive to get out of the stifling firestorm engulfing Kesaruru, stands out as the only redeeming hope for Kesaruru. The novel is a tribute to the author's narrative skills as much as his ability to depict reality in all its sordid detail.

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