Disruptive Geology Science

Disruptive Geology Science


Dr. Sanjay Rout





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294 mins

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Book Description

In Disruptive Geology Science: A Global Perspective ,Dr .Sanjay Rout explains his findings through vivid descriptions of case studies from all over the world where he has studied different types of disruptive events related to geologic changes occurring within regions affected by them first hand including Japan’s 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster resulting from seismic activity causing catastrophic damage throughout its surrounding areas; India’s 2004 tsunami event triggered off Indian Ocean coasts due to shifts along tectonic plates beneath sea levels; USA's Yellowstone National Park experiencing frequent earthquakes since 2017 leading up towards potential volcanic eruption scenarios near future dates etc., just some examples among many others included inside this book providing readers with comprehensive overview regarding current state affairs when it comes down dealing with disruptive phenomena associated Earth Sciences field work nowadays worldwide! Overall , Disruptive Geology Science is an essential read for anyone interested in understanding more about what causes geological disturbances on planet Earth - whether naturally occurring ones (such volcanoes) man made ones (like fracking), & their implications upon nearby communities living close proximity sites where these events take place – so we may better prepare ourselves against any risks posed them time goes one way direction only forward cannot go back ! The author does excellent job presenting complex topics easy understand manner allowing readers gain valuable insight into realm earth sciences critical importance sustainable development global scale going further ahead next century beyond.