Change Management Aspects

Change Management Aspects


Dr. Sanjay Rout





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444 mins

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Book Description

Change management is an essential aspect of any business or organization. It involves the process of understanding, planning, and implementing changes in order to improve the overall performance and effectiveness of a company. Change management can be used to address various issues including organizational structure, processes, culture, technology implementation and customer service. The book “Change Management Aspects” by Dr. Sanjay Rout provides readers with a comprehensive look at how change should be managed within an organization in order to ensure success and growth over time. The book covers topics such as establishing goals for change initiatives; developing strategies for managing resistance; creating effective communication plans; assessing risks associated with changes; monitoring progress during implementation stages; evaluating outcomes after completion of projects etc., which provide readers with valuable insights on how they can successfully implement change within their own organizations or businesses.. Overall this book is highly recommended for anyone who wants to understand more about successful change management techniques that will help them achieve better results from their efforts while reducing risks associated with making major modifications within their organizations or businesses . This detailed guide also includes case studies from real-world scenarios so readers have a better understanding on what works best when it comes to introducing new ideas into existing structures without causing too much disruption along the way