Chemical Technology Futurity

Chemical Technology Futurity


Dr. Sanjay Rout





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378 mins

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Book Description

Chemical Technology Futurity is a book written by Dr. Sanjay Rout, an expert in the field of chemical engineering and technology development. This book provides readers with an extensive overview of the current state of chemical technology as well as a glimpse into its future potentials. It examines how advances in chemistry can be used to create new products, materials and processes that will shape our world for generations to come. The first section of Chemical Technology Futurity focuses on the history and fundamentals behind some major breakthroughs in chemistry over recent decades such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, fuel cells and green energy technologies like solar power or wind turbines . Dr Brantley then goes on to discuss how these advancements have impacted society thus far – from improved health care options through better drug delivery systems or cheaper food production techniques - before delving into their potential applications for tomorrow’s world including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics , 3D printing , renewable resources management etc.. He also looks at what challenges may arise along this journey towards technological progress such as ethical considerations when it comes to AI-driven decision making or environmental issues due increasing levels pollution caused by industrial activities . Overall Chemical Technology Futurity is an insightful read which offers readers invaluable insight into both present day achievements within chemistries realm but also its possible futures developments if we are able tap properly use all available resources wisely while remaining conscious about any associated risks involved along way .