E-governance & Law Future Thought

E-governance & Law Future Thought


Dr. Sanjay Rout





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224 mins

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Book Description

E-governance & Law Future Thought is a groundbreaking book that explores the potential of technology to shape our future legal and governance systems. Written by Dr. Sanjay Rout, an internationally renowned expert in e-governance and law, this book provides readers with an insightful look into how technology can be used to create more efficient government systems while still respecting human rights. The first chapter of E-Governance & Law Future Thought focuses on the impact of digital technologies on government services, including how they can reduce bureaucracy and increase transparency in decision making processes. The second chapter examines current trends in e-governance such as blockchain applications for voting or identity management, as well as emerging topics like artificial intelligence (AI) regulation or data privacy laws. Finally, the third part looks at possible scenarios for future developments such as smart cities or virtual courts - all backed up with detailed case studies from around the world which illustrate these concepts clearly and effectively . Overall this book offers a comprehensive overview of modern e-government practices along with thought provoking insights about their implications for society today - helping us understand both where we have come from technologically speaking but also giving us valuable clues about what lies ahead if we continue down this path towards greater digitization within public institutions worldwide!