Haathiyon Ki Toli
Ektara Trust
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Average Reading Time
24 mins
Book Description
हाथियों की टोली में जो बूढ़ा हाथी होता है सबसे पीछे चलता है और गहरी यादें ढोता है। Haathiyon ki Toli is an illustrated poem book written by the National Award winning writer-lyricist, Varun Grover. The poem captures the essence of life and relationships through keen observations on elephants’ way of life. We are all bound by the thread of love. This thread is most visible in childhood, in those carefree moments lived in the protection of adults. The thread strengthens as we grow older yet it’s presence loses its significance for us. This poem reassures children of the love that surrounds them while it reminds adults to take notice of this bond that gives us freedom to be ourselves. Gunjan Bharati's illustrations give us a feeling as if we are looking at an elephant up close. We can look into its big, deep eyes and feel what he is saying. His wrinkles are the folds of experiences, if only we caress them.