Ek Chuppi Jagah
Ektara Trust
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Average Reading Time
136 mins
Book Description
लकीर कहीं होती है...जिसे पेंसिल या कलम से खींचकर हम बुलाते हैं। मिटाते हैं तो चली जाती है लकीर कहाँ रहती है? उसे कहाँ ढूँढ़ें? चलो, उस गाँव चलते हैं... जहाँ मिटाने पर लकीर लौट जाती है... A delightfully long story with a mix of magic and reality. Bolu speaks when he walks. When not walking, he becomes quiet. If someone tells him, Be Quiet', Bolu will first stop talking and then he will stop walking. If someone tells him, "Stop". He will stop walking, then he will stop talking. He is like a Patrangi that talks only while flying. She is quiet when perched. She must get doubly tired when speaking and flying. So, she rests doubly...by sitting and quieting down. Vinod ji constructs a comprehensive world. He constructs his own language. When you read him, you will feel as if you are listening for the first time. As it is said in this manner for the first time. Illustrator Taposhi Ghoshal fills the magical reality with magic.