The Pillion Rider

The Pillion Rider





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Average Reading Time

424 mins

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Book Description

"The journey was our destination.” The Pillion Rider is a recollection of the experiences of two young officers George and Hirak from the Indian Armed Forces​​,​​ during their motorbike trip of 35 days in August 1971.​ The hospitality that George and​ ​Hirak​ were showered with during​ ​their​ journey, may possibly be implausible today. The​ ​adventure​ drove home the fact that India is a great country and its people far greater, full of love and very large​-hearted.​ Monsoon rains of August, roads with potholes filled with water, slushy berms of roads, stray cattle, ​​​l​ack of money​​ and road accidents made no dent on​ ​their​ determination to continue with the journey and party as​ ​they​ travelled along. Adventure is not only about thrill, danger and is also something invisible that brings people really close. Enjoy ​their​ experiences and plan your next adventure​ soon​​.​

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