Beyond the Doors of Chaos

Beyond the Doors of Chaos





Country of Origin:

South Africa

Age Range:


Average Reading Time

126 mins

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Book Description

Have you spent a large part of your life thinking of excuses for why you are not happy and why you are not achieving your goals? “I don’t have the money” “I don’t have support” “I have no idea what I want” “I don’t think I can do it” Did you hear them all right? Ghafeetho tells you that it is time to pull yourself together and create a fantastic life by just implementing a few things. Her voice is one that you can relate to. Whether you have reached rock bottom, just feeling a little demotivated or simply feeling a little lost. This book helps you get back on track. This book serves as a guide, to help you step by step regain your spark for life and help you create a vision for your future. The action steps in this book can be used over and over again as you face an ordeal in the future. This book helps create your second chance to a better and more fulfilling you!

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