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Reading has always been an integral part of the development of a human creature. Reading refreshes our mind, helps in improving concentration, adds several perspectives to our opinion, and gives clarity to our thoughts. The more we read, the more sorted we become. These are the few statements that you must have heard from your parents, grandparents or teachers. The value they taught us holds up till now. This is because we had incorporated the habit of reading since the days we didn’t even know how to read. 

As the stories that we heard from our parents and grandparents connected us to literature, to reading, and still we have faded memories of it with us. Do you know why we still feel connected to those stories? Because we heard them in our own language. 

Language plays a vital role in reading. And when it comes to the regional language, we witness a mixed proportion of thoughts and preferences. Regional Language in the publishing industry and especially for the readers is like an extinct of the content in that language. 

As a reader, how does reading in regional language impact you are a core concern of this blog. Here, we are going to discuss why are we facing the extinction of the content in regional languages, and if we read them, how can it help in our personal growth. 

Regional Language and Reading

India is a diverse country with 22 official languages, 121 other languages and up to 270 mother tongues. Now, let me help you understand this with an illustration. Imagine yourself in a country where people aren’t of your nationality. You would not feel connected to them even if they became friends with you. But suppose if you find even one person from your community in that country, you will instantly feel connected to him. This is because of the language. 

Language fills the gap of separation. Regional Language and Literature are interrelated to each other in every aspect. Both Reading and Regional Language share a bond for ages. All the religious scriptures are written in regional languages. All the authentic autobiographies from history are scripted in regional languages. And since then, literature, regional language, and storytelling have been a great part of our culture. 

Let us now see the challenges faced by the regional language to grow in the world of publishing. 

Challenges of Reading in Regional Language

Lack of Demand

Books, the source of knowledge and information, are now facing extinction due to lack of demand in regional languages. The rise of digital technology and its ease of access have caused people to rely on e-books and other online resources. This trend has led to a sharp decrease in the demand for books in regional languages.

In the past, the market for regional language books was thriving with a wide variety of books available in different genres. However, in recent years, the market has experienced a significant decline as publishers and booksellers have stopped publishing or stocking books in regional languages. This trend has led to the extinction of several books in regional languages.

People are more interested in reading books in English or other languages as it is considered more modern and up to date. Additionally, the advent of digital books has made it easier for people to read in a language they are comfortable with, without having to purchase physical books.

Another reason for the decline in the demand for regional language books is the lack of interest in reading. The rise of television, social media, and other forms of entertainment has resulted in people preferring to spend their time on other activities rather than reading. 

Lack of Jobs

In recent times, there has been a gradual decline in the use of regional languages in books, leading to their extinction.

One of the primary reasons for the extinction of regional language books is the lack of job opportunities in the publishing industry. With the rise of globalization and the increasing popularity of English, many people are choosing to work in English publishing rather than in regional languages. This leads to a shortage of experienced and talented professionals in regional language publishing, which in turn affects the quality and quantity of books available in these languages.

Another reason for the decline in regional language books is the lack of government support. While many governments offer incentives to promote their national languages, the same cannot be said for regional languages. This makes it difficult for publishers to sustain their businesses and continue to produce books in regional languages.

Furthermore, the digital age has also contributed to the decline in the use of regional languages in books. With the advent of e-books and other digital formats, many people are opting to read books in English or other widely spoken languages, leading to a decline in demand for regional language books.

Lack of Education in Regional Language

Education is the key to learning and preserving a language. Unfortunately, many schools in the country do not offer education in regional languages. As a result, children grow up with little knowledge of their native language. This lack of education leads to a lack of interest in the language and a lack of understanding of the value of books written in that language.

Moreover, as English is considered the language of prestige, many people in the country are of the opinion that learning regional languages is not necessary. This attitude has resulted in the marginalization of regional languages and their literature. Thus, regional books are not published in the same quantity as English books, and they are not given the same attention and recognition as English books.

Therefore, it is essential to promote education in regional languages in schools. Children should be encouraged to learn their native language and read books in that language. The government should provide adequate support for the publication and promotion of regional books. This will not only preserve the regional languages and their literature but also promote cultural diversity and understanding.

Difficulty to get published in Digital Era

In today’s digital age, the demand for books in the regional language has been on the decline. With the increasing popularity of e-books, publishers are hesitant to invest in printing regional language books in digital form. This lack of investment is due to the low demand for these books, resulting in the extinction of books in regional languages.

Furthermore, the high cost of printing regional language books is another major factor that has contributed to their extinction. Since the market for these books is small, the cost of printing them is significantly higher than printing books in a more popular language. This cost, coupled with the low demand for regional language books, has made publishers reluctant to invest in printing them, leading to the extinction of these books.

Rewards of Reading in Regional Language

Reading in a regional language can have several benefits, including fostering a deeper connection to one’s culture and heritage. Here are some of the ways in which reading in a regional language can be beneficial:

  1. Emotional connection to culture: Reading in one’s regional language can evoke a sense of nostalgia and pride, as it helps people connect with their cultural roots. This can help them develop a better understanding of their history, traditions, and values, and feel more emotionally invested in their culture.
  2. Enhanced vocabulary and communication skills: Reading in a regional language can help improve one’s vocabulary and communication skills. It exposes readers to a wider range of words and phrases, helping them build their linguistic abilities. This can be particularly helpful for people who use their regional language in their daily life, as it can improve their ability to express themselves more clearly and effectively.
  3. Access to local literature: Reading in a regional language can give readers access to literature that is unique to their region. This literature can offer a window into the perspectives, experiences, and issues that are important to people in that region. This can help readers gain a deeper understanding of the culture and its nuances.
  4. Greater appreciation for regional art and culture: Reading in a regional language can help readers develop a greater appreciation for the art and culture of their region. It can help them understand the nuances and subtleties of the language and its various dialects. This can also help readers understand the music, dance, and other art forms that are unique to their region.
  5. Preservation of regional language and culture: Finally, reading in a regional language can help preserve the language and culture of the region. By encouraging people to read in their regional language, it can help ensure that the language continues to be used and that the cultural traditions are passed down to future generations.

With the increasing popularity of digital media and online resources, the opportunities to read in regional languages have never been greater. It is our responsibility to support and promote these resources to ensure the continued growth and development of regional language literature.

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