Impact of Sound Change on Indian Languages

Impact of Sound Change on Indian Languages

Language, like a river, is a captivating entity, constantly flowing and evolving. Nowhere is this more mesmerising than in India’s diverse linguistic landscape. Like a sculptor, one of the most intriguing aspects of this evolution is how sound shapes and moulds...
अपभ्रंश: प्राचीन भारत से एक भाषाई यात्रा

अपभ्रंश: प्राचीन भारत से एक भाषाई यात्रा

6वीं और 11वीं शताब्दी के बीच, अपभ्रंश मध्य-इंडो-आर्यन (MIA) के अंतिम चरण के रूप में उभरा। इस भाषाई घटना ने प्राकृत भाषाओं के विकास को देखा, जो उस समय की प्रमुख भाषाई शक्ति थी और इन सबके बीच संस्कृत, एक आदरणीय बुजुर्गवार के रूप में खड़ी थी। अपभ्रंश, जिसे अक्सर घटिया या...
Audio books are an excellent medium to connect with a book

Audio books are an excellent medium to connect with a book

In the world of technology, various gadgets and apps are becoming increasingly advanced daily. One such app that has been making its presence felt in the Indian market recently is the audiobook player. Audiobook players are now available on many handheld devices to...
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