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Reading is a skill that can be applied to other areas of life. It’s another way to learn about the world, your place, and how other people think and feel. Reading is also a great way to explore interests you may not have had much exposure to before being introduced to books or other written materials.

Adults who read books have a variety of health benefits. For one, reading keeps the brain active and stimulates the imagination. It also trains the mind to focus. In addition, reading is a good source of wholesome entertainment, allowing people to escape the stresses of daily life. Adults can find books in stores, libraries, and even on the internet for free.

According to Pew Research Center, 26 per cent of American adults have not read a book in the past year. However, studies have shown that those who read more than 3 1/2 hours per week are 23 per cent more likely to live a longer life than non-readers. A study says that reading books increases your brain’s ability to learn.

Let’s check a few benefits of reading:

1. Helps in Reducing Stress

According to a study, it’s said that 30 minutes of reading has helped adults in releasing psychological stress and also helped in other health issues such as lowered blood pressure as well as heart rate. Taking at least 30 minutes of your time without hampering your work or study helps release everyday stress. 

2. Depression? Books are going to help you in coming out!

It’s a common symptom that people with depression often feel isolated, and books can be the best companion for isolation. 

Fiction books can be the best genre to binge on as they lift you and drive you to an imaginary world; also, some self-help books can be in your routine read as it helps in the strategic development of how to deal with depression. 

3. Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Adults experience cognitive decline with aging, and it’s imperative to keep your reading habit active along with growing age; it keeps your mind engaged. Some studies also show that reading books and solving math problems help improve cognitive skills’ functioning. 

4. Communication is the Key

Reading a book regularly also improves vocabulary. Reading a book can help you learn new words and phrases, which will benefit your workplace, academic life, and relationships. In addition, reading books increases your exposure to new terms in context, which can boost your self-confidence when speaking to others.

Reading books has always been a win-win for everyone; people who are passionate about reading can also improve their sleep. 

Many people have this question about what to read. The most straightforward answer is to read anything that keeps you going! 

Nowadays, there are plenty of options to binge on, such as newspapers, blogs, and e-books; one can pick any genre and read at any hour; one can choose genre according to your surrounding and mood; fiction, nonfiction, anything would work. 

I am sure you liked the blog! Don’t forget to type your favourite genre or book name in the comments below. 

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