This is Where We Live

This is Where We Live


Pratham Books





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Average Reading Time

40 mins

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Book Description

An ordinary day unfolds through the eyes of Jugnu and Noorie, two felines in Shantiniketan—early morning rays slant in through the windows, fish and fruit sellers do their rounds, and children leave for school. However, as the hours slip by, and kal baisakhi, the spring storm, sweeps in all of a sudden, can the day be anything but extraordinary? Stop and stare at Jugnu and Noorie’s everyday world, discover the tiny details and peel each layer in this wordless and slow picture book. These pictures give readers the freedom to interpret the story using their own vocabulary and imagination. This book is written by Manjari Chakravarti Illustrated by Manjari Chakravarti. the development of this book has been supported by PARAG: AN INSTITUTE OF TATA TRUST.

Manjari Chakravarti
feline story
joy of reading
kal baisakhi
spring storm
parag reads
parag honour list
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