A Big Splash

A Big Splash


Karadi Tales





Country of Origin:


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Average Reading Time

158 mins

Buy For ₹295

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Book Description

Friends don’t say mean things about you behind your back. Friends let you play cricket with them even when they don’t need an extra fielder. A falling-out with her friends drives thirteen-year-old Dhivya to seek solace in the waters of the village tank. That day, she receives some advice and is sucked into the world of competitive swimming, far away from her home near the cotton fields in Siruganpur. Soon, she makes friends with another swimmer – Ambika. Will Dhivya be able to hold on to this friendship? Nivedha Ganesh spins fiction from facts with verve and imagination in a story that’s humorous, relatable, and inspiring all at once. Age group 10-15.

Nivedha Ganesh
Nivedha Ganesh literary works
Friendship story
age group 10-15
non-urban stories
the stories of rural india
People's Archive of Rural India
young reader
chapter book

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