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Some people love reading. They buy books and keep them unread, but surely, you can leave them unread forever! The best way to build a reading habit is to make it a routine. You can do this by choosing a regular reading time and making it a point to bring your book. This will help you ensure you do not skip reading, even if you are not in the mood.

And not reading a book is just an excuse, and we can inculcate this habit by making simple lifestyle changes that can make it easier to add this habit. Let’s check out some essential practices that will help you read continuously without a break. 

1. Enjoy the process of reading.

If the process is enjoyable, you will be able to continue reading your favorite book without a break; you can choose your favorite empty space, take your tiny little blanket and read under the stars, or select your favorite cafe and start reading; it will help in building the interest without interrupting in the middle. You can sit aside a quiet spot where you can read your favorite book. 

2. Distractions must be removed. 

A good reading habit starts with establishing a quiet and convenient reading place. Your reading place should be a calm place that doesn’t have distractions. It can be a bed or a comfortable chair. Whatever you choose, it’s essential to turn off any gadgets or activities that might distract you. 

3. Make Commitment your Best Friend

The commitment must be on your priority list when it comes to doing some things you are not good at, and by using them, you help ensure that you read! Give rewards to others if you fail to stick to your commitment. So if you read your book without fail, you do not have to reward your friend. 

4. Daily Page Goal

You need to set a daily page goal as you need to read 20 pages every day irrespective of whether you are a slow or a fast reader. You can summarize a book and never get bored of reading; if you say that you will read 2 books in a month, you will never conquer that goal, so it is better to set a daily page goal. This will ensure that you do not skip reading and encourage you to do so more often.

When trying to improve your reading habit, it is helpful to sit down with a pen and paper and write down why you love reading. Try to be specific and write down the most meaningful reasons for you. You can talk to friends or read about other people’s experiences with reading to help you think of your own reasons. It is essential to write down these reasons in detail.

It is also essential to find a book that you enjoy, and that will challenge you.

Once you have set your goals, it is time to make your to-read list. Organize it according to your interests. List novels, nonfiction, motivational books, and anything else you find interesting. Try to get recommendations from friends and family for books you might be interested in. You can also look for book reviews and descriptions online.

If you don’t enjoy a book, try to find a new one to read. After all, it is not worth reading a book you don’t enjoy. If you are unable to continue with a book, you might find it boring or not what you expected.

Reading is also beneficial to your mental health. It can help you reduce stress and improve your memory.

Another way to build a reading habit is to take up a hobby. Reading isn’t just about knowledge; it can be a fun and rewarding hobby. A good reading habit takes time and practice. Reading is a great way to keep yourself informed about important issues and gain insight. In addition to enhancing your skills, a good reading habit can give you a competitive edge in today’s knowledge-based economy.

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